Enneagram Consulting for Individuals, Couples and Groups
God loves to meet us in the real. The real of our lives. The real of our circumstances. The real of who we are. When you understand yourself and how you are wired, you begin to connect with God from a place of true identity. The Enneagram is a powerful, dynamic tool for helping you do this.
Enneagram consulting can equip you on your journey towards greater connectedness with God, yourself and others. You will begin to understand your unique gifting along with what drives the patterns, habits and behaviors you use to interact with the world. This enables you to invite God to meet you where you are and join him in what he has for you. Moreover, as you gain understanding of the other eight numbers, you get a peek into the way those around you see the world. This understanding improves your relationships.
The Enneagram is a tool of compassion. Compassion for yourself and compassion for others.
Roots&Branches creates noise-free, shame-free, formula-free spaces where God can bring healing and grace. Our posture is the same with our Enneagram work.
We provide individual sessions, couples’ sessions, group and organizational sessions, and workshops.
Personal Sessions
Prior to our first session I will review your intake form and correspond via email to make a plan for our time together. The Enneagram journey is not “one size fits all”. Whether you are brand new to the Enneagram and are wondering what your type is, or have already begun the journey and are wondering what’s next, we can tailor our time in the way that best benefits you. Each session is 60 minutes.
Some things we may cover:
Discerning your number - Through a combination of discussion, interview, teaching and assessment, we can help you discover which Enneagram type most resonates with you.
Security and stress points
Time orientation
Your Enneagram triad’s relationship with shame, fear or anger
Wounding messages from childhood
Balancing your Centers of Intelligence - Helping you manage your dominant and repressed centers of thinking, feeling and doing
Understanding and interacting with other numbers
Spiritual practices unique to your number
Couples’ Sessions
Gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your partner through personalized Enneagram coaching. In addition to the topics available to you in an individual session, we can look at the ways your Enneagram numbers enhance and challenge your relationship.
Learn the lens through which your partner sees the world so that you can best love and support one another.
Group and Organizational Sessions
Awareness of how your number and the numbers of people in your family, on your team or in your organization see, react and experience the world is critical for the health and success of your group. Contrary to other group development systems, the Enneagram offers insight into the underlying motivation behind the outward behavioral and relational patterns.
Understanding the “why” of the individuals helps form alignment with the “corporate why” of your organization.
In addition to the topics available to individuals, group sessions may include:
More detailed explanation of the Enneagram types represented in the group.
How the core motivation of each type represented can be leveraged so the “individual why” supports the “corporate why”.
Leadership notes for each Enneagram type including strengths, growth opportunities, potential points of misunderstanding, and talk style.
Possible correlation between (and strategies to overcome) current organizational pain points and the Enneagram type make-up of your team.
Strategies for compassion for each Enneagram type represented (for example, what your 9 colleague wants you to know).
Gather your group and explore the Enneagram together. Topics include, but are not limited to:
Intro to the Enneagram - An overview of the system, best practices. An introduction to the nine styles. An introduction to the topics of Stress & Security, Wings, Centers of Intelligence, Stances, and Spiritual Disciplines.
Centers of Intelligence - Thinking, Feeling and Doing. Managing your dominant center and raising your repressed center.
Stress and Security
Feeling Triad (2,3,4) in depth
Thinking Triad (5,6,7) in depth
Gut/Body/Doing Triad (8,9,1) in depth
Stances (Withdrawing, Dependent/Dutiful, Aggressive/Assertive)
Spiritual practices in your number
Growth in your number
“The Enneagram journey is solitary work that cannot be done alone.” —Suzanne Stabile
Let’s work together!
For Individual Sessions:
Please use the link below to request an individual appointment and schedule with Jenny before paying for your session.
Session Fee - $85
Assessment fee if applicable - $15
Your fee is due after your session is scheduled and acts to confirm your appointment.
For Couples, Group/Organizational Sessions, and Workshops please email Jenny directly at jjackson@rootsandbranchesnetwork.com
And a quick note about assessments
“Couldn’t I learn my number by taking a test online?”
No. No you cannot. Not with any degree of accuracy.
The Enneagram is thousands of years old, and there is no singular source that “owns” the Enneagram. While most Enneagram teachers agree on the fundamentals, differences in teaching exist. The Enneagram has experienced a resurgence in the last several years. This is beneficial as more people now have access to this helpful tool. There is, however, a downside of this popularity and lack of centralized ownership. Many sources have jumped on this ancient bandwagon and developed Enneagram “tests” and “quizzes” which attempt to oversimplify a very complex system. This does a huge disservice to consumers who are frequently mistyped, or if accurately typed are led to over identify with surface characteristics of their number.
Even the best, statistically valid and reliable, peer reviewed, assessments are only accurate about 80% of the time. Your Enneagram number is based on inner motivations, not behaviors. Most assessments test for behavior.
Learning the Enneagram and discerning your number is a journey. Personal transformation comes with deep understanding over time. There are many Enneagram tests out there. A handful are helpful data points in learning your number when combined with self-observation, reading, discussion, consulting, and inner work.
Jenny Jackson meets her clients with a wealth of expertise and compassion. Jenny holds both basic and advanced certifications accredited by the International Enneagram Association. Continuing education in the field has included courses with Suzanne Stabile, David Bell (Enneagram Insight) and Peter O'Hanrahan (Enneagram at Work). Jenny participates in an ongoing Enneagram learning community in Indianapolis.
Jenny developed and taught the courses The Enneagram: A Tool for Transformation, and The Enneagram: What you Bring to the Party. Jenny was a 2021 presenter at Wild Goose Festival where she gave her talk What NOT to do with the Enneagram: Where to Get Started and How to Get the Most Out of the Process.
A lifetime student of the human mind and spirit, Jenny holds a bachelor's degree in Occupational Therapy, and a masters degree in Marriage and Family Counseling. Jenny writes and speaks on topics such as listening, trauma, contemplative healing, and the Enneagram. She is the Associate Director of Roots&Branches where she has been a contemplative healing practitioner since 2014.
“The enneagram invites you on a journey wherein you can observe yourself in a non-judgmental way. You start to understand where your motivations are coming from. Once this happens you have the ability to invite God into places you didn’t know existed, and make choices that weren’t available to you before.